Here we are!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Michael had his 2nd grade Open House on Tuesday. We got to see lots of fun things they have been working on. His teacher is so wonderful! She has them create things about "who they are" and "who is their family" and then shows us the videos from their animal report presentation. They documented the life cycle of a butterfly and here is a humorous excerpt from Michael's Butterfly Observation Journal:
- The catapiler is 2 centemeters! At 9:40 harry (The caterpiler) ate...
- At one fifty seven we think it is sheding it's pupa. It is still 2 cm long...
- We finnaley found that our caterpiller is a chrisalis now. We are very exsited...
- The caterpiller is almost a butterfly! I'm getting the feeling it's going to turn into a butterfly soon. It is all the way a pupa...
- It's almost time for a butterfly. I am so very exsited...
- Are's is about to hatch. We are realy, realy, realy, realy exsited...
- YEAH! My butterfly is out of the chrislys. It is hanging on to the butterfly cage...
- More broke out of the chislys. I think when they're all out they're going to to out.
Whew! What a journal. I did not know that 2nd graders could get so excited about butterflies.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
With some fun friends, good food and great music, we had quite a night. The invitation was to bring something Irish or green to eat to the Neufelds. So we had corned beef and cabbage, Irish soda bread, green jello salad, Mountain Dew, lime Koolaid, and someone even brought a pizza! Well, it had green peppers on it, so it counted. We watched U2 until it was time for bed, and then we watched "just one more" until it was really time for bed. Especially being on a Saturday night. So I tried my first corned beef in the slow cooker. It was actually really easy and I made sure to see what Alton Brown instructed first. Actually, I just picked one up at the store and threw it in the crock pot with a couple bottles of Guiness. Oh, and I also made the most incredible Irish Cream Cake! Hope you had a safe and green St. Patrick's Day!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Decomposed Granite
This past weekend was full of it... granite, that is. We spread 6 tons of decomposed granite on the side of our house. I (Tracy) am happy to say that I shoveled 5 of the 6 tons! Or, as Tim says, I shoveled a plethora of granite. Tim has been watering the pathway twice a day, and I keep asking him if anything is growing yet. No, seriously, supposedly it will be a pathway where the trash cans won't get stuck in a rut. (Because as you know, it is illegal for trash cans to be seen from the street here in beautiful Fresno. But it's o.k. to spray graffiti on signs, curbs, buildings and lampposts.) The weather was good too; high 70's to low 80's. We even broke a record yesterday with a high of 84 degrees.