Here we are!

Here we are!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Worship Team Farewell Party

The NFC worship team had a farewell party to celebrate Tim's 10 years as the worship leader. It was a lot of fun with a lot of good food and a lot of happy kids. Thank you to everyone for the nice gift!

Tim was given a shirt with one of his frequent sayings on it. It was really neat to be in a group of people where every person immediately understood the humor of the shirt (inside joke, I guess you could say).

1 comment:

Little Spouse in the Old House said...

Is this a good thing? A sad thing? Since I wasn't there to add my thoughts, here they are- Tim you are a wonderfully gifted man. I will forever remember working with you! Tracy, are you done too? Of course you are awesome too! Janice